Tuesday, 29 May 2018

CAS Conference 2018

On May29th in Siauliai Didzdvaris gimnasium annual CAS conference happened. In this conference current Siauliai Didzdvaris gimnasium IB2 students talked about CAS activities they were doing for the past two years. They explained that CAS for them is not only a part of IB DP that they had to do but is also a way of expression of themselves. Students talked about CAS activities that they did some of them are: volunteer work at ,, Food Bank“, ,,Silver line“ and animal shelter ,,Siauliai paw“, basketball game organization ,,VB Cup“ volleyball organization and many others. Moreover, they explained how CAS let them improve their various skills such as communication, time management and many others. They also mentioned difficulties that they faced while doing their CAS activities and advice younger IB students what to do to avoid those difficulties. At the end of the conference for active participation in CAS activities were nominated: Austėja Milaševičiūtė, Jonas Naujokas, Marius Pocevičius, Jurgita Bašytė and Valdonė Šniukaitė.